Handicap Parking Compliance
The number of accessible parking spaces in a parking lot is determined by the total spots available in the lot. The ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG) 4.1.2 (5) is a chart that determines the minimum number of handicap parking spaces required.
According to the website Dimensions Guide, "In the United States, the width of standard handicap parking space is 96 inches." Van-accessible spaces must have an adjacent 5-foot-wide loading area.
Each handicap parking space should have the International Symbol of Accessibility. Each sign should be centered at the head end of the space and mounted 4 feet to 5 feet above the ground.
Vehicles with handicap license plates or a hanging placard are permitted to use handicap parking spaces. Do not park on the striped access aisles in between the parking spaces. This area is used for loading mobility devices. Blocking this area could lead to a ticket for obstructing disability parking for others (see Resource).