Grants for Disabled Persons
Government Grants
Government grants are offered for all types of disabilities both mental and physical. Sites like, Social Security online and the Catalog for Domestic Assistance offer searchable databases of government grants on both federal and state levels. Government grants are generally regarded as the most secure, as almost all who qualify are approved. There are also resources for those with mental disabilities to receive help applying for grants.
Grants differ in their approval processes and restrictions on their uses. Most grants for the disabled require that the applicant's disability has been verified by a medical doctor. Some grants require a tax return from a previous year to verify income, as these grants are only for those who demonstrate financial need, while others are open to all income levels.
Private Grants
Private grants offered by trusts and endowments are available at organizations associated with a particular disability. These types of grants often focus on specific disabilities, diseases or conditions. Finding these types of grants is not difficult as most of them are offered through the larger government body of a specific disability. The American Federation for the Blind or The National Federation for the Blind lists grants and funds specifically for the blind. Governing bodies associated with private organizations post grant lists the organization's official website. The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA) organization dedicates a large part of its website to listing grants for those with multiple sclerosis.
Educational grants are also available for disabled people. These grants are often offered by the post-secondary institutions, but there are also private and government education grants that assist disabled individuals to pay for school. Education grants aimed to help disabled students receive tutoring and private learning that they may need in order to benefit fully from going to school are also available. For example, students with learning disabilities may qualify for a special tutor who understands the learning needs of a person with a particular disability.
Housing grants are also offered for disabled people and businesses looking to become more accessible to disabled customers. These grants are offered so disabled home owners can make their homes disability-friendly. Upgrades, renovations and specific in-home equipment for some disabilities can be expensive, and grants offered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development helps make upgrades more affordable.
Veterans also qualify for additional grants from government agencies like the Department of Veterans Affairs. Veterans qualify for grants that help in rehabilitation and counseling for disabilities sustained as a result of duty. These types of grants are often supplemented by patient care offered by Medicare.