The Difference Between SSI & Disability Benefits
Payment Amount
The maximum payment amount for SSI is $674 per month as of 2010. The maximum disability or retirement benefit is $2,346 as of 2010.
If you are currently receiving SSI, your monthly amount will be reduced--one dollar for every two dollars earned not counting the first 65 dollars--if you earn more than $65 through work in any given month. Your Social Security disability check will not be reduced by working. However, if you use up more than nine trial work months in any given 36-month period, your benefits may be discontinued. Months where you earn more than $720 are typically counted toward this limit as of 2010.
If you and your spouse are both disabled and receive SSI, your amounts will be lowered; the maximum amount that a couple may receive in SSI is $1,011 as of 2010. However, if you are a married and both spouses receive disability, you will receive your full disability amounts.
Survivor's Benefits
If your spouse or parent was receiving Social Security disability benefits and becomes deceased, you may be eligible to receive a monthly check off their Social Security record through a program called "Survivor's benefits." If your spouse or parent was receiving SSI payments and dies, you are not eligible for Survivor's Benefits.
If you are residing in a residential facility or are currently in jail awaiting trial, your Social Security disability benefits will continue. However, if you receive SSI and are in a residential facility or in jail awaiting trial for a full calendar month--defined as the first day of a given month through the last day of the given month--your payments are stopped for that month. If you are in jail or prison serving a sentence, your benefits cease for both disability and SSI.