SSI Benefits for Caretakers
Representative Payee
SSA allows caretakers to apply to become a representative payee over a beneficiary's SSI check. Payeeship may be awarded if the beneficiary requests that a payee be appointed or if SSA determines that the beneficiary is unable to manage her SSI check. Representative payees must ensure that shelter, food and other basic needs are met and must keep records of how the money is spent.
Children's Benefits
Children may be awarded SSI benefits if they have a qualifying disability and reside in a low-income household. Typically, the primary caregiver of the child is awarded payeeship over the funds for the child.
Authorized Representative
A caretaker may assist with completing forms and other paperwork, attending appointments and hearings and other tasks associated with obtaining and maintaining SSI. Form SSA-1696 "Appointment of Representative" must be submitted to your local SSA office for an authorized representative to be appointed (see resources). Information needed to complete this form includes the full name and Social Security numbers for the beneficiary and caretaker and contact information for the caretaker.