About Children's Wheelchair Accessories
Seat Cushion
Air-filled seat cushions or those made of gel or foam can help to reduce pressure points that can result from sitting in a wheelchair. Also, pommels may be used at the front of the seat cushion to stop a child's legs from being pushed together.
A headrest is used as an extension of the wheelchair seat back and may attach to the chair with an adjustable stem. A headrest may be fitted with a head strap for children who do not have adequate control of their head and neck.
Wedges and Supports
Children who suffer from inadequate muscle tone may require abductor wedges to keep their legs from rolling outwards. Side supports can be used to help maintain a symmetrical position while in the wheelchair.
Belts and Straps
Foot or toe straps may be fastened to the footrest of the wheelchair to keep a child's feet in place. Children with weak upper body muscles may benefit from straps or a harness to keep them in an upright position.
As children grow, their wheelchair needs may change. Children using a wheelchair should be assessed by an occupational therapist to ensure they are using the most appropriate equipment for their developmental skills, according to Living Made Easy for Children.