Home Health Aids for Weakness in the Hands
Gripping Aids
Help holding mug Grippers have been devised to help if you have weak hands to make it easier to open medication bottles, hold on to exercise equipment or handle tools. These aids range from simple to quite sophisticated systems. They can also help you pick up utensils, hold cups and mugs, hold a toothbrush or razor and other self-care essentials.
Dressing Aids
Buttons Every day you are faced with buttons, zippers or fasteners just to get dressed. Aids have been developed to make dressing and undressing much easier. There are button hooks, zipper pulls and rings, long shoe horns, leg lifts and stocking aids available to make dressing less of a challenge for you.
Kitchen Aids
Peeler with large grip Fixing food for yourself can also be a challenge when you have weak hands. Jar openers, large grips on peelers, ladles, knives and suction cups on cutting boards help by reducing the strain on your hands and wrists. Spring loaded scissors help you to open packages by eliminating the need to open the scissors and decreasing the pressure when closing them.