How to Administer the Modified Ashworth Scale
Fully flex the elbow. Gradually extend the elbow to the point of maximum possible extension. Record a score for muscle rigidity in this position.
Keep the elbow as straight as possible. Extend the wrist to the point of maximum possible extension. Record a score for muscle rigidity in this position.
Continue to keep the elbow as straight as possible. Move all fingers to the point of maximum extension and record a score. Repeat this process, only moving the thumb, not the rest of the fingers.
Sit down with your foot hanging in a forward position and extend the knee to the point of possible extension. Record a score muscle rigidity in the hamstrings for this position.
Move the entire leg up to the point of maximum extension. Record a score for muscle rigidity in the quadriceps in this position.
Move your foot so that the toes are pointing as much in the downward direction without moving your leg. Rate muscle rigidity in the gastrocnemius (calf area of the leg) in this position.
Flex the knee to an angle of 15 degrees. Point the foot downward without moving the rest of the leg and gradually move the foot so it points upward without moving the rest of the leg. Record a score for muscle rigidity in the soleus.