How to Apply for Disability in Missouri
There are two disability programs under the Social Security Administration (SSA): Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI). The claim process for SSA is the same in all states, but you can only apply for SSI in a local SSA office.
Things You'll Need
- Notepad
- Phone book
- Filing system
A medical examine will need to determine if you are able to continue working Consult your doctor about your condition, your current job requirements, the requirements of your previous job and her medical opinion regarding your ability to work. Get a written statement, as it will assist in validating your claim. When you decide to file a disability claim, notify your doctor and discuss it with her in detail.
Pay close attention to the pain you are enduring Keep a good record of specific symptoms, limitations, and pain resulting from your condition. Write down what you are feeling, the frequency with which it occurs, and how bad it is. Describe in detail your range of motion, if applicable. Pay attention to all of your senses--sight, touch, taste, hearing, and smell--as they will help as you describe you condition.
Make sure you understand and throughly complete the forms Contact the Social Security Administration to obtain the necessary forms. Read the forms to assure you understand the disability requirement, time frames stipulated, and the overall application process. Consult with someone who is familiar with SSA disability claims; a doctor, social worker, or attorney.
Submit your application and the required forms to the Social Security administrator. Once your application and required forms are reviewed, a medical examiner will request your medical history.
List information about past and present medical providers Prepare a list of all current and previous medical providers and include the doctor's name, address, telephone number, and practice, if appropriate. You will need to include all of your medical history, because past conditions may have an impact on your current condition. Be prepared to provide this list to the SSA office. You will need to keep a copy of this list for your records.
Decide which of your doctors will be the primary doctor, should the medical examiner require a consult. You may want to choose a current doctor who is familiar with you and your condition. Provide your primary doctor with a copy of your entire medical history, list of symptoms, and current medication management.
When you have your interview with the SSA medical examiner, be sure to explain in detail how you are feeling and functioning. Do not embellish or play down your condition, because if you do not meet the qualification for automatic disability determination, the medical examiner may consider how other conditions you have, when combined with your current condition, may have an impact on your ability to be gainfully employed or be re-trained for employment.
It is important to keep copies of forms and documents for your file Keep copies of all records and forms in a file in the event records are misplaced or accidentally destroyed.