Assistive Technology for Children With CP
Gross and fine motor function with cerebral palsy can be determined through assessments by medical and educational professionals. Assessments can determine the type of equipment and appropriate supports for communication, mobility, and personal health and hygiene needs.
Children may require wheelchairs, standers and special chairs in their environments. Equipment adjustments and maintenance of parts and switches are needed to ensure safety. As the child develops strength, an automated wheelchair with the appropriate switch can provide independence.
Health and Hygiene
Children with special needs also may require special toilet seats to meet their physical needs. Cushioned areas and handles near the toilet, sink and bath tub provide additional safety features. Special shower heads which are detachable provide easier access for those assisting with the hygiene care.
Communication devices can be as simple as pictures and switches. Switches are made in all shapes and sizes to match the strength of the child. Some switches may be used by the hand, others by the foot, knee or head. Devices can also be as complex as a touch screen or lap top computer.
Eating Tools
Occupational therapists assess the needs for appropriate utensils to develop independence with eating. Sizes and shapes of utensils, as well as braces, vary to accommodate the range of motion a child is able to perform while feeding themselves. Dishes are also available to help in scooping food. Different cups and flexibility of straws are available according to the sucking and sipping ability.