How to Win a VA Disability Case
Submit a disability application at your regional VA office or online (see Resources). You will likely be requested to submit your birth certificate, photo identification card, Social Security card and your military discharge paperwork documenting discharge for other than dishonorable conditions.
Gather supporting documentation that provides evidence of your inability to work due to your disability. These records include medical records from your physicians, statements from family members or employers and records from other individuals who are aware of your disability and how it impacts your ability to work.
Appeal the decision if you are denied benefits or do not agree with the amount of the payments within 90 days of the date on the letter stating your decision. You may appeal the decision by submitting a letter stating your request for an appeal to the VA.
Appoint a representative to assist you with the VA appeals process. It is recommended that you hire a disability attorney that is familiar with military benefits to assist you with the VA appeals process. A disability attorney typically does not collect payment unless you win your case.