How to Maximize VA Disability
The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides disability compensation for veterans who became disabled as a result of military service and are discharged under other than dishonorable conditions. The amount of disability is based on the severity of the disability, number of dependents and other factors. You may contact the VA at 800-827-1000 to obtain instructions for submitting materials.Instructions
Gather all medical records regarding your disability. Include documentation that supports that the disabilities are a result of military service. Submit this information with your disability application if you are not currently receiving benefits. If you are currently receiving benefits, contact the VA for instructions for submitting this information to have your benefit amount redetermined.
Review your VA disability statements and ensure that all qualifying individuals, including your dependent children and spouse, are listed as recipients of benefits. Submit documentation, including birth certificates for your children and marriage certificates, for any qualifying individuals.
Ask your VA representative about any supportive programs that you may qualify for given your disability. These programs include vocational rehabilitation services, rental assistance programs and other forms of assistance to help facilitate independent living.