How to Appeal a Disability Claim Denied By Your Employer

Many employers offer short-term disability to individuals that are unable to work for up to a year. Long-term disability is offered less frequently and is designed for cases where a disability prevents work for over a year. If you filed for disability through your employer and are denied, you have the right to appeal.


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      Contact human resources and/or the disability insurance provider to determine the limits for filing an appeal or requesting an extension on disability payments. If you fail to file requests within the necessary time frame, your disability case will likely be denied.

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      Compose a letter to the disability insurance provider stating the exact reason(s) for appealing the denial. This letter should include identifying information, including your name, Social Security number and/or date of birth and if available, the case number assigned to your disability claim. Complete any forms required by human resources or the disability insurance provider for processing an appeal.

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      Gather documentation that supports your reason(s) for appealing the claim denial. For example, if you were denied for medical reasons, attach medical records that support your inability to return to work. If you were denied for financial reasons (i.e. too much income), provide bank statements, a wage inquiry from a state employment office, and other documentation that refutes the reasons given for denial.

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      Submit the letter, completed forms and supporting documentation to your human resources department, disability insurance provider or both, as requested by your employer. If possible, have the disability insurance provider or your human resources department copy and time-stamp your letter, completed forms and other documentation for your own personal records. It is not uncommon for paperwork to get misplaced. This simple action provides evidence that you submitted the requested documentation on time.

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      Follow up with human resources and/or the disability provider. It is recommended to follow up immediately after submission to ensure that the paperwork was received, if it was not hand delivered. Then follow up every two to three days to check on the status of the claim.

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