SSI Disability Work Rules in Michigan
Work Incentives Program
The work incentives program offered in Michigan allows individuals who receive Social Security disability benefits to transition back to work while still receiving payments. Through this program, individuals receive continued cash benefits during a trial work period, regardless of how much income they earn. The trial period (which consists of nine worked months in a 60-month period) is followed by an extended period of eligibility, where benefits are continued for an additional 36 months. If for any reason the individual must stop working again due to a disability, benefits can be reinstated with no new application as long as it is within five years of the extended period of eligibility.
Rules and Restrictions
You must let the Michigan government know immediately if you plan to begin work again while receiving disability benefits, or if any change occurs during your employment that may affect your benefits. You can call (800) 772-1213 in order to reach someone. For the trial work period, a work month is considered to be any month in which the individual's earnings exceed $720. The extended period of eligibility is only applied to individuals whose earnings do not exceed what is considered to be a "substantial amount" (in 2010, this amount was $1,000 per month). Individuals involved in the work incentives program should report all work expenses, as these can be deducted from your earnings to allow you to keep receiving benefits throughout the extended period of eligibility. If an individual in the program loses his job during the extended period of eligibility, disability benefits can be reinstated as long as the person is still disabled.
Program Supports
Social Security has organized the Work Incentives Planning and Assistance program (WIPA) to assist individuals in answering questions and enrolling in the work incentives program. The community work incentives coordinators can also help individuals understand the program and find other supports for people with disabilities, including job placement services.