How to Rent a Mobility Scooter
Mobility scooters provide assistance to people who experience difficulty walking. If you are recovering from an injury or accident, if you suffer from arthritis, or if you need to use a scooter while on vacation, you can rent from several agencies. Compare prices before you begin and ask if companies accept AAA or other discounts.Instructions
Browse styles of scooters available at You can rent electric or gas scooters and scooters with three or four wheels. helps you understand the benefits and drawbacks of different types of mobility scooters.
Call Scootaround Mobility Solutions to discuss scooter rental. A customer service representative can provide you with a mobility scooter or power chair in 500 locations across the United States. If you've identified types of scooters you prefer, let the representative know your preference. After you discuss your needs with a customer service representative, ask for a price quote based on the time period and location of your scooter rental.
Contact your local Avis Rent A Car office, using your telephone directory or to obtain contact information. Avis began renting mobility scooters to travelers in 2006. Discuss your rental needs with an Avis agent.
Compare price quotes. Choose a scooter rental based on convenience and price. Call to arrange the details of your mobility scooter rental. Be prepared to provide the rental agent with your credit card information to hold the reservation.