Tips on Filling Out Application for Disability SSI
Filling out the application
Before you even start with pencil to the application, do your homework. Research your disability so that you can provide a full description of your symptoms. Be specific without too much information. Include a personal letter explaining how your life is now, along with your resume, so that it is obvious you did work prior to becoming ill. Ask your doctor (s) to include a letter describing how you are doing. You can send a letter you write to your doctor describing what would be helpful. This letter from your doctor who diagnosed you is very important to validate your illness. Make sure you sign medical release forms so that all your records are available. Doing so will expedite a decision on your claim. Documenting everything is very important. You will need dates of appointments, names of doctors you have seen, lab tests and results.
Make a list of all the current medications you need as well as the date you started taking them. Also, include on this list, any changes of dosages and how you take the medication. Send this list in with your application.
Use Social Security to help your through this process helps. Establish a rapport so that they know you when they receive your application. As you present your claim, make sure it is readable, neat and clean. Make copies of everything you are going to give to Social Security.
Do not get discouraged. This process takes time and research both on your part and the Social Security Administration. There are four levels to go through in this process; the initial determination, and, if benefits are denied, reconsideration, a hearing if needed, and lastly, a review by an appeals council.
You can applying for SSI in person at your local office, or by mail, email or telephone. It will take at least six months before you will receive a determination. If you want to apply on the internet, go to the Social Security website and access applying for disability forms. A child under 18 will use different forms than an adult.