What Are Assistive Devices for Physical Therapy?
Assistive devices aid a person in safely completing a task that otherwise may prove very difficult to do. Crutches and wheelchairs are two common examples of assistive devices.
Physical therapy employs assistive devices to create more mobility and self-reliance for patients, which can lead to a more fulfilling life.
Assistive devices used for PT can range from typical walking aids to electric therapy units that use electrical stimulation to treat physical ailments like sleeping nerves and back pain. Splints and braces that stretch muscles like the hamstrings are another type of assistive devices used for PT.
Knee immobilizers, which prevent the knees from bending, are examples of a brace that a person may use to keep the hamstrings loose. A shoe lift is a PT assistive device that neutralizes leg discrepancies and improves gait (the manner in which one walks).
Many physical therapy assistive devices, such as walkers and therapeutic heating pads, are available at different retailers like medical supply shops and drug stores. Other assistive devices, including certain home electric therapy units, may be available only through a doctor's prescription.