Research & Treatment for Dementia
Dementia Defined
Dementia is a disease associated with memory loss, and it's a common disorder in elderly people. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer's disease.
Treatment Strategies
There are several strategies for treating dementia. Preventing the occurrence of the disease is, of course, preferable. A patient will fare better if it's detected at an early stage, and many of the symptoms may be reduced by medication.
Medical Treatments for Dementia
People with dementia require continuing medical attention. It can be given by any physician who will prescribe the medication and adjust the dosage according to the condition.
House Safety
Remove all clutter from the house of a dementia patient. Keep all the sharp edge tools and medications out of reach of the demented person. Try to keep him away from water heaters, gas stoves and other dangerous places.
Unfortunately, there is still no cure for dementia, but several drug treatments and medications hold promise for improving the life of a person suffering from the disease.