Medical Definition of Disability

Disability is a term used to indicate a person's limited ability. There is no single encompassing medical definition. The medical definition is determined by the guidelines of the entity making the determination.
  1. Features

    • The features of a medically defined disability vary within the medical community. According to, the generally accepted medical definition reflects "lack of adequate power, strength, or physical or mental ability; incapacity."


    • The medical community recognizes six types of disabilities. They are sensory, physical, mental, self-care, go-outside-home and employment.


    • The treatment being received for a condition has no bearing when determining whether the condition meets the level of a disability, unless the treatment itself is debilitating.


    • Different entities have different guidelines for recognizing conditions as a medical disability. For example, the Americans with Disabilities Act recognizes disabilities when major life activities are impacted significantly by a documented impairment. The Social Security Administration defines a disability as the inability to gainfully work due to any significant medical condition.


    • Be specific when answering government questions about your disability. Do not simply state the name of the condition. Instead, explain how the condition affects you.

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