Is Neuropathy Considered Debilitating?
Neuropathy affects feeling in the hands and feet
Types of Neuropathy
There are about 10 different types of neuropathy. The types depend on the cause--such as injury or disease--and have different degrees of debilitation.
Numbness of body parts is the major sign of neuropathy. Those who suffer from the disease often describe their hands and feet as having a "wooden" feeling and may stumble or drop things.
Neuropathy can cause the sufferer to not notice injuries to affected body parts. Untreated cuts can become infected, sometimes resulting in blood poisoning and gangrene.
More Severe Situations
Neuropathy caused by certain diseases, like diabetes, can spread to the inner organs. Lungs, heart and other organs can stop functioning in the most severe cases.
Reversed Neuropathy
Sometimes neuropathy can be reversed if the underlying condition is detected and treated. Even years of numbness and pain can be reversed by a strict regimen of care.