Assistive Technology
Assistive technology is commonly associated with hardware, software and peripherals to make it easier for people with disabilities to operate information technologies. However, assistive technology also includes mobility devices such as wheelchairs and walkers.
Example: TDD/TTY
A common example of assistive technology is telecommunications device for the deaf, known as TDD or TTY. It is an electronic device that people with hearing or speech difficulties use for text communication via a telephone line.
Individuals with Disabilities Act
The Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act was passed in 1988. It marked the first formal and legal definition of assistive technology.
Assistive Technology Act
In 1998, the Assistive Technology Act repealed and replaced the Individuals with Disabilities Act. The AT Act was meant to provide more specific legislation for assistive technology.
Universal Accessibility
Since some people have pointed out that technology is usually created without regard to people with disabilities, laws regarding assistive technology are meant to remove such barriers, thus enabling anyone to accomplish everyday tasks with reasonable ease.