How Do I Tie My Shoestrings With One Hand?
Feed the end of the lace through the top hole on the left side. Pull the lace through the hole on the right side and tie the end securely to itself.
Lace the loose end of the shoestring up through the second hole on the right side, and then over to the left side. Move down one hole on the left side and pull the string to the right side. Continue to lace the shoe this way until you reach the bottom of the shoe.
Pull the lace across the shoe to the right hole. It should already have the lace in it, but push the end up through the hole again.
Make a loop with the loose end of the shoestring. Keep your right thumb in the loop. Make another loop under the string across the shoe using your right forefinger. Thread the loop through the bottom. The shoestring should now have a loop around the string across the bottom of the shoe coming down from the shoestring.
Pull the loop all the way to the right of the shoe to pull the knot tight. This knot will not come loose from the pressure on the loop from the shoe.