The Disadvantages of Disability
One of the major disadvantages of having a disability is access. This can range from physical access to a building or being able to access banking services --- opening a bank account if you are deaf, for instance --- or accessing social services, if indeed they exist in your area. Many disabled people are unable to drive a vehicle and find it difficult if not impossible to use public transportation. Accomplishing simple household tasks and activities can also be difficult such as taking a shower, cooking a meal or cleaning.
Many disabled people will experience discrimination and will have their opportunities, both social and economic, reduced because of prejudice and misconceptions. Employers may be unwilling to give an opportunity to someone with a disability. Many people will presume a disabled person is unable to participate in many activities, or accomplish certain tasks, without knowing whether or not this is the case. Discrimination is usually based on misinformation and misconceptions and severely limits the disabled person's ability to enjoy the full range of opportunities available to the rest of the population.
A thriving and satisfying social life enhances the life enjoyment of many people, yet many people with disabilities can find major barriers to achieving this. A disability can affect the individual's self-esteem and confidence, and this can be a major barrier to forming relationships. Furthermore many people can find it difficult to see past a person's disability and can be reluctant to engage socially due to such factors as image and peer pressure.
As well as the barriers of discrimination, the opportunities for employment are severely reduced for people with disabilities. Clearly a disability will automatically disqualify an individual for many jobs and occupations. Blindness, deafness, lack of physical mobility --- all obviously rule an individual out of many roles in society where these things are a necessity. Whatever the nature or severity of a person's disability, it will inevitably reduce the employment opportunities available.