Life Threatening Diseases in Children
Sometimes referred to as "lockjaw" because of the characteristic spasms of the facial muscles, tetanus is a very painful disease for its sufferers. According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, three out of ten people who contract tetanus will die from the disease.
Meningitis comes in many forms, such as bacterial, viral and fungal. Because of its severity, there are three immunizations designed to prevent the catch and spread of this disease.
Starting as early as two months, a pediatrician will administer vaccinations against pneumonia. Left unnoticed or without proper care, this illness will take over the lungs, filling them with debris, and making it difficult for the lungs to function.
While diarrhea may be a common occurrence, it can be a deadly event if not properly monitored and cared for. Children with diarrhea are at a higher risk for life threatening dehydration and nutrient loss.
With the creation of vaccinations, one-time life threatening diseases are now either under control or nonexistent. Poliomyelitis, diphtheria, mumps and measles are among the vaccinations that have given parents peace of mind.