Canker Sore: Symptoms & Causes
There are three types of canker sores and each of them can be accompanied by a fever, sluggishness or swollen lymph nodes. They are all painful and most are circular with a white or yellow center and red border.-
Minor Canker Sores
According to the Mayo Clinic, these canker sores are oval and clear up on their own in about two weeks.
Major Canker Sores
These sores are large and irregularly shaped and can last from several weeks to a few years.
Herpetiform Canker Sores
These sores are usually clusters of tiny sores that can merge to form one larger sore.
Immune System
Some people have immune systems that attack the healthy cells in their mouths instead of the unhealthy bacteria.
Injury or Illness
An injury to your mouth from a sports accident or from biting your cheek can cause a canker sore. Also, some diseases such as celiac disease, inflammatory bowel diseases and HIV/AIDS can increase your risk for canker sores.
People can get them when they have food allergies, and some foods are known to increase risk of developing a canker sore such as eggs, nuts and strawberries.