More Pancreatitis Condition Symptoms
Pancreatitis can be classified as either acute or chronic. Acute pancreatitis comes on suddenly and is often caused by gallstones or excessive alcohol consumption. Chronic pancreatis usually occurs as the result of prolonged alcohol abuse, but may also be associated with disorders such as cystic fibrosis.
Acute Pancreatitis Symptoms
Symptoms of acute pancreatitis include either sudden or gradually worsening pain in the upper abdominal area and back. The abdominal area may also be tender and swollen. Other symptoms may include fever, nausea, vomiting and a fast pulse.
Chronic Pancreatitis Symptoms
Symptoms of chronic pancreatitis include weight loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and oily stools. Individuals with chronic pancreatitis lose the ability to digest food normally, resulting in malnutrition.
Acute pancreatitis may lead to kidney failure, requiring dialysis or kidney transplant. Chronic pancreatitis may lead to diabetes. Also, individuals with chronic pancreatitis may require surgery to removed damaged pancreatic tissue.
Both acute and chronic pancreatitis may be treated with IV fluids, pain medications and antibiotics. Those with chronic pancreatitis may also need medications containing synthetic pancreatic enzymes help restore normal digestion.