Reasons for a Positive Tuberculosis Skin Test
During a TB skin test a small amount of PPD tuberculin is injected. If a certain amount of swelling or hard red bump occurs within two to three days, it could indicate that you have tested positive for TB.
False Positives
Other types of bacteria in the body can result in a positive skin TB test. Also a recently administered TB vaccine bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) can also cause a false positive.
After a positive skin test, blood work rules out a false positive and measures the body's exact response to the bacteria that causes TB. If still positive, other tests such as chest x-rays and cultures provide information to receive accurate results.
Latent Verses Active
Latent TB means that it is located in your system but is not doing anything. During this time you will not feel sick or be contagious. However, once it becomes active it will damage the system and become contagious.
Drugs and medications are required to treat TB and vary in type and length depending on the stage of the disease.