How to Remedy Common Foot Problems & Carbuncles
Things You'll Need
- Over-the-counter arch supports
- Over-the-counter anti-fungal powder
- Sharp toenail clippers
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Sunscreen, SPF 30 or higher
Apply warm, moist compresses to carbuncles to encourage them to drain. Carbuncles are groups of boils, typically caused by infection with staphylococcus aureus, which affect the hair follicles on the feet. The infected masses are contagious and may result from shaving friction, poor hygiene or weakened immunity, according to the National Institutes of Health. Carbuncles that fail to drain or heal within two weeks require professional treatment.
Remedy the pain and inflammation associated with plantar fasciitis using over-the-counter arch supports, stretching, rest, icing and anti-inflammatory medications. This common foot problem occurs when microscopic tears occur in the plantar fascia, which is a fibrous band located on the bottom of the foot. In some cases, cortisone injections or a splint is necessary.
Improve circulation to your feet by elevating them often when sitting for prolonged periods and by uncrossing your legs. Lose weight, if needed, to reduce pressure on your feet and to improve blood flow.
Treat fungal infections quickly and prevent recurrence by keeping your feet dry and exposing them to air periodically. Fungus thrives in dark, moist and warm conditions, where it multiplies rapidly and causes itching, redness, peeling and blisters. Use over-the-counter anti-fungal creams and powders to treat existing infections. Call your doctor if your symptoms do not respond to over-the-counter treatments.
Take care of your toenails by keeping them trimmed, clean and dry, and by treating any fungal infections or other conditions as soon as you notice symptoms. Avoid ingrown toenails by cutting your toenails straight across with sharp clippers. Sterilize toenail clippers and other nail tools with isopropyl alcohol after each use. This will prevent spreading bacterial or fungal infections to other toes.
Treat warts and bunions promptly. Warts are caused by a viral infection, and they are prone to spreading if not treated. Bunions occur when the joints in the big toe do not fit together properly. You doctor can prescribe special pads to cushions warts and bunions while you walk.
Prevent and treat sunburns on your feet by wearing shoes every time you go outside and by applying sunscreen when you wear sandals. Shoes are designed to protect the delicate skin on the soles of your feet from damage and extreme temperatures. Alleviate sunburn pain by using aloe vera or an over-the-counter sunburn lotion on burned skin.
Check your shoe size. Shoe size changes with age, which makes it important to have your feet measured every couple of years. Always try on shoes before buying them, and avoid high-heeled shoes whenever possible. Wearing properly sized shoes will also help prevent the formation of corns and calluses.
Pay careful attention to the health and condition of your feet if you suffer from diabetes. Diabetics are prone to serious foot problems, including ulcers, neuropathy and blood vessel damage. Controlling your blood sugar levels is crucial for diabetic foot health, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians.
Tell your doctor if you develop swelling, unexplained pain, temperature changes, numbness or signs of infection in your feet. These symptoms could indicate a serious problem that requires medical attention and treatment.