Asthma Vs. Emphysema
Symptoms of asthma and emphysema include coughing, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Loss of appetite and weight loss are also symptoms of emphysema.
Doctors can test for asthma and emphysema by taking symptoms into consideration as well as taking tests to measure lung function. Other tests for emphysema include chest x-rays and CT scans.
Asthma can be caused by several factors such as respiratory infections, allergens, or inheriting it from the parents. Emphysema is caused by smoking or protein deficiency.
There is no cure for asthma, but as long as people with asthma take their medications and avoid triggers, most can live a normal life. People with emphysema can keep it from progressing if they take their medications and refrain from smoking.
People with asthma and emphysema should exercise regularly and eat nutritiously because being overweight can make breathing more difficult.