How To Recover From Kidney Stones
Things You'll Need
- Doctor
- Urine strainer
- Pain medication
- Water
Maintain physical activity. Although the urge might be to lay down and not move, physical activity will move the stone through your body more quickly and therefore get it passed. Maintain normal physical activity if it is not too painful. Include a walk every few hours to help the stone move through your system.
Drink lots of water. Although flavored drinks and carbonated beverages might taste good, it is important to drink plenty of plain water--as much as two to three quarts every 24 hours--to move the stone through the urinary tract and to help prevent future formation of stones.
Take medication as prescribed. Your doctor might prescribe pain-management medications or other medications to aid your recovery. Taking them as prescribed will help you stay on top of the discomfort, which will enable to you to rest while waiting for the stone to pass.
Keep follow-up doctor appointments. Return to the doctor or the emergency room if you develop a fever or worsening symptoms.
Catch the stone in a urine strainer to allow medical professionals to determine what kind of stone it is.
Your doctor might be able to instruct you on steps to take to avoid future stones.