How to Avoid Stomach Cancer
Make sure your food is properly refrigerated. Avoid preserving your foods through smoking, salting or pickling.
Take vitamin C, beta-carotene and an anti-bacteria that fights H. pylori infection, a bacteria connected with the development of stomach cancer, together or separately. The December 6, 2000 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute reports that in a six-year study, people who followed these three treatments and demonstrated precancerous abnormalities for stomach cancer had a reduction or complete disappearance of their condition compared to those who given a placebo.
Lose excess weight. The Illinois Department of Public Health's website states that if you are obese, your odds for stomach cancer increase.
Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. A study in the April 6, 2009 edition of Cancer Prevention Research states that eating 2 1/2 ounces of broccoli sprouts daily can lower your risk for stomach cancer.
Limit meats in your diet. Cut out or reduce your intake of red meats and fatty or processed foods.
Eliminate vices. The National Cancer Institute states that smoking and overindulgence in alcohol are risk factors for stomach cancer.