What Is Colonized Mrsa?
Colonization occurs when MRSA is found on the skin or nose of the patient, but the patient shows no symptoms of being infected.
Percentage of Population
Approximately one-third of the population is thought to be colonized with staph bacteria. One percent of the population is thought to be colonized with MRSA.
Colonization and Illness
Those who are colonized with MRSA may not show symptoms. However, someone who is colonized may pass the bacteria onto others.
Sources for Colonization
Colonization may occur in hospital settings or in the community. People who have been hospitalized or spend time in close contact with others, such as at the gym or crowded living conditions, may become colonized.
Prevention of Colonization
Refrain from sharing towels or clothes with others. Keep a barrier between you and gym equipment. Wash hands frequently. Make sure all health care workers wash their hands before touching you.