Active Vs. Inactive Tuberculosis
Inactive Tuberculosis
Also known as latent TB, inactive TB exists if the bacteria that cause TB (mycobacterium tuberculosis) are present in the body and the immune system prevents the bacteria from growing. Even though the bacteria are still alive in the body, this inactive stage is non-infectious.
Symptoms of Inactive Tuberculosis
In many cases there are no signs of infection and the disease may only be identified if it later becomes active.
Active Tuberculosis
If the TB bacteria are present in the body but the immune system cannot prevent the bacteria from growing, the disease is contagious. This is known as active TB, and sufferers can infect others.
Symptoms of Active Tuberculosis
Signs of active TB include night sweats, abnormal x-rays, abnormal sputum and severe weight loss.
The above information is not meant to be a substitute for proper medical assessment and professional advice should always be sought.