Gonorrhea Vs. Meningitis
Gonorrhea is caused by bacteria that is passed through sexual contact such as intercourse or oral sex. Meningitis can also be caused by bacteria as well as a virus or fungus.
Symptoms of gonorrhea include pain during urination, vaginal discharge or bleeding in women, and discharge from the penis or swelling of a testicle in men. High fever, sore neck, headache and skin rash are symptoms of meningitis.
Doctors test for gonorrhea through a urine test or by taking a culture of the affected area. Meningitis is tested for by taking a throat culture, spinal tap or images of the chest.
Antibiotics can be used to treat gonorrhea and bacterial meningitis. Other types of meningitis improve on their own within a week or two.
You can prevent gonorrhea by practicing safe sex, using condoms and knowing the sexual history of potential partners. You can get a vaccine for some forms of bacterial meningitis.