How to Reverse Fatty Infiltration in the Liver
Reversing Fatty Liver Infiltration
Determine the cause of fatty liver infiltration in your specific circumstance by seeing your doctor.
He will ask questions regarding your lifestyle: what kinds of foods you eat, whether or not you drink alcohol, how much exercise you get, what medications you take and what kind of work you do. These questions can help to track down the exact cause of your fatty liver.
Treat the cause.
If your doctor has determined that excessive alcohol use is causing your fatty liver, you need to stop drinking altogether. Joining a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous can help make this easier.
If your doctor has determined that a certain medication you take might be causing your fatty liver, you will need to stop taking that medication. Your doctor will likely prescribe you an alternative treatment.
If you are overweight, you will be advised to take measures to lose weight. Losing excess body weight can alleviate fatty liver filtration, as well as have numerous other positive effects on the cardiovascular system. Since many obese people who suffer from fatty liver infiltration also suffer from diabetes or pre-diabetes, weight loss will help those conditions as well.
In the rare instance that your fatty liver infiltration is caused by a specific environmental toxin (i.e. exposure to toxic chemicals or fumes from your place of employment), you may be advised to cut out exposure to the toxin. This could mean looking for a new job or simply taking extra measures to reduce exposure to the toxin.
Eat a healthy diet that is low in fat and rich in vegetables, fruits, lean meats, low-fat dairy products and whole grains. Eliminate processed foods whenever possible.
While this may lead to weight loss, a healthy, balanced diet is critical for everyone and can reduce the risk of fatty liver infiltration in the future.
Exercise regularly. Exercise is especially important for obese patients who are trying to lose weight to correct their fatty liver infiltration, but it is important for everyone. Regular exercise promotes a healthy body weight which, in turn, promotes liver health.
Have regular check-ups with your doctor. Remaining under a doctor's care can help to keep you aware of developing health problems such as the return of fatty liver infiltration. Your doctor can also help you come up with strategies to tackle fatty liver-causing conditions like alcoholism, unhealthy diet and weight, and diabetes.