What Would Cause High Liver Function Test Results?
Enzyme levels are typically elevated when liver cells are damaged. According to Dr. Sandra Cabot, a liver doctor, the causes of this damage range in severity depending on the particular enzyme that is elevated.
High liver level test results are not a reflection on the organ's function. They simply determine that liver damage has occurred or that other problems exist, according to the AIDS Treatment Data Network.
Liver Problems
Causes of liver damage, especially when gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase is elevated, include obesity, heavy drinking, a fatty liver or certain medications.
Other Problems
When alkaline phosphatase is found to be elevated in a liver function test it could indicate, in addition to liver damage, problems with bones, intestines or kidneys.
One of the most significant causes of high liver function test results is the presence of bilirubin. This is a yellow fluid produced in the liver that can leak when red blood cells are broken and can eventually cause jaundice.