What Are the Causes of Internal Hemorrhoids?
Internal Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids can be both internal and external. The internal hemorrhoids develop within the anal canal while the external ones form outside. Some internal hemorrhoids grow very large and protrude from the anus. These are called prolapsed hemorrhoids and are extremely painful.
Causes of Hemorrhoids
Both the internal and external hemorrhoids are caused by the increased pressure in the veins such as during pregnancy, by passing hard stool, low fiber diets and liver cirrhosis. Other causes include standing or sitting for long periods, violent coughing and lifting heavy objects.
Symptoms of Hemorrhoids
General symptoms of hemorrhoids are blood after a bowel movement, swelling and itching and often pain. In case of internal hemorrhoids, the most common symptom is painless rectal bleeding.
Treatment of Internal Hemorrhoids
The primary rule for treating both internal and external hemorrhoids that are producing only minor symptoms is to let them heal by themselves. Patients are told to take high fiber diets or stool softeners to avoid straining and constipation. Sitz bath and topical anesthetics are also recommended.
Treating Severe Internal Hemorrhoids
In cases when conservative treatment does not work, the next step is treatment with injection sclerotherapy, rubber band ligation or electrocoagulation. The most preferred method is rubber band ligation given the ease of use and greater efficacy rate.