How to Treat Typhus
Be aware of and keep track of the symptoms exhibited by the patient. Symptoms of various types of typhus may include abdominal pain and backache, a dull red rash that spreads from the middle of the body outward, fever in excess of 104 degrees F, cough, pain in the joints, head and body aches, nausea and vomiting, chills delirium, stupor and bright eyes.
Take the patient to a qualified physician for a thorough examination. Blood tests will usually be required to make an accurate diagnosis.
Administer any medications exactly as prescribed by the physician. Treatment usually involves oral antibiotics which may include Doxycycline or Tetracycline.
Observe the patient until complete recovery is achieved. Complications of typhus can including pneumonia, renal insufficiency or damage to the central nervous system. Report any abnormal manifestations to the attending physician.