Human Parasite Cleansing
Less Deadly
Most parasites are not deadly at all, they just provide an inconvenience to you. One example is the Giardia. Giardia is a single celled organism that can sometimes infest the human body. It typically gets into the body through drinking water, and causes gastrointestinal issues including nausea, diarrhea, acid indigestion. Ringworm is another type of parasitical infection that is often contracted from animals. It is often characterized by pink rings that are rashes and can be quite itchy.
More Deadly
Hookworms can be potentially fatal to humans. The number of deaths per year is small but it is a real risk. Hookworms typically cause death by causing anemia. Tapeworms also have the potential to cause death, as do most worms if they lay eggs. These eggs can travel elsewhere in your body and cause damage in places like the brain.
The method for contracting most parasites is quite simple: eating or drinking contaminated food or water. All too often the case is that one consumes food from a poor source, and doesn't cook the meat enough to kill any parasites or eggs that might be in the food. Other parasites like the Giardia are often ingested by drinking water from streams, although it is possible for them to come through the public water system as well. This is yet another reason that your food should come from a clean source and your water should be filtered.
There are many symptoms that you might have a parasite. The more extreme can include an inability to gain weight, or a sudden drop in weight with no change in diet or exercise. Also, some parasites are awake when we are asleep, and thus can cause the person to become suddenly, fully awake in the middle of the night, often sweating and overheated. Other milder symptoms include: anemia, bloody stools, itching around the anus, and bouts of diarrhea.
There are many herbs that can help to remove parasites. These herbs essentially create an environment which the parasite dislikes, and thus causes it to leave the body. Renew Life's Paragone is a product that may help to create that environment. You also could try a Parasite Zapper which can potentially help to kill the parasites directly. You should do plenty of research if considering the zapper, and remember that these products are not intended to treat, prevent or cure any disease.