The Best Method to Prevent Seasickness
Prepare yourself against becoming ill before hitting the waves.
Seasickness is caused when the brain receives conflicting signals. While in the watercraft, the passenger feels the motion of the ship, but her eyes do not see it, therefore these mixed signals induce distressing symptoms.
Symptoms of seasickness include anxiety, dizziness, vertigo, flushing, sweating, nausea, vomiting, headache, shaking, hyperventilation, rapid heart rate and lightheadedness. Though these symptoms are distressing, they are transient. Seasickness can be so disruptive to traveling that some individuals forgo taking a trip altogether. In most cases this is not necessary, as there are very effective methods to prevent seasickness.
Treatment with Medications
One of the best methods to prevent seasickness is by taking anti-seasickness medications before embarking on a journey. Medications such as antihistamines, the same medications that are used by allergy suffers, work by reducing nausea and anxiety. It is vital that the medication be taken before symptoms present themselves as this will avoid a full-blown episode of seasickness. Side effects can be bothersome and include profound drowsiness and dry mouth.
Treatment with Powdered Ginger
Another effective method to prevent seasickness is powdered ginger capsules. Ginger is the same herb used in ginger ale, the time-tested drink that quells nausea. Ginger helps calm the gastrointestinal tract and relieves motion-sickness-related anxiety. Powdered ginger is often the treatment of choice for morning sickness, as it is an effective alternative to medication, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Ginger works to curb seasickness without inducing any side effects or adverse reaction.
Treatment with Sea Bands
Sea Bands are a highly effective method to prevent seasickness. Sea Bands are wrist bands that work on the principle of accupressure. When the bands on worn on the wrists, they compress the pressure point that is responsible for relieving nausea and anxiousness. This seasickness prevention method is also used to diminish symptoms of hyperemesis gravidarum, or morning sickness.
Common Sense Treatments
Common sense methods to prevent seasickness include not eating a large, greasy meal before traveling. If the individual knows that he is prone to seasickness, he should have only a light meal and keep himself well hydrated. Getting fresh air is very comforting to the person who is seasick, so when in the watercraft, sitting on the deck and focusing on the horizon can ease the symptoms. Seasickness may be averted if noxious smells and smoke are avoided too. Seasickness is very unpleasant, but by employing these methods, it can be managed.