Types of Diseases of the Nail
Psoriatic Nails
According to skincarephysicians.com, psoriasis of the nail often happens in those who have active psoriasis---a condition where skin cells develop too fast and form lesions. Psoriatic nails range in severity and often the nail will fall off.
Onycholysis occurs when the nail detaches from the skin. This can be a sign of skin disease or a fungal infection and usually more than one nail is lost.
Onychoschizia---brittle nails---can be caused by a vitamin deficiency or internal disease, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. AOCD recommends taking the vitamin biotin to prevent brittle nails.
Avoid acrylic nails and harsh products such as polish or remover if you have a disease or infection. According to Medline Plus, never remove cuticles as this causes infection.
Consult a dermatologist if you experience any sign of nail disease or infection. Changes in your nails could be an indication of additional internal problems.