Cures for Jaundice
Tomato Juice
One treatment involves tomatoes. If you consume one glass of tomato juice (make sure it is fresh), with a tiny pinch of black pepper and salt, it can be highly effective. This treatment is particularly beneficial if the tomato juice is consumed early every morning, before eating anything (the juice works much better on a completely empty stomach).
Radish Leaves
The juice of green radish leaves is a highly effective and inexpensive cure. It is a quick, healthy, and effective natural treatment for the reduction of jaundice. If you pound the radish leaves and derive their juice (with the use of a cloth), you can take half a liter of that juice and drink it. Drink the juice for a minimum of 10 days.
Lemon Juice
Lemon can be very helpful in combating jaundice because of its liver-healing properties. A person with jaundice should drink approximately 20 ml of pure lemon juice (make sure that it is diluted within water) several times a day.
Barley Water
Barley water is another easy and healthy cure for jaundice. Take a single cup of barley, boil it in 3 l of water and drink it. This should be consumed several times daily until the symptoms go away.
Coriander Seeds
Coriander seeds also can help cure jaundice by reducing yellowness of the skin and whites of the eyes. Place coriander seeds into approximately 1/2 l of water and boil it. Drink this blend three times a day, and the dosage amounts should be between 30 and 50 ml.
Traditional Treatment
Although there are several natural cures for jaundice, some people go about treating it traditionally. The treatment options usually differ based on the varying causes of the ailment, such as whether it is caused by liver damage, bile duct obstruction, or excessive production of bilirubin (which makes the liver incapable of removing it from the blood). One common cure is a medical procedure that involves taking out the gallstone that is causing the blockage of the bile duct. However, according to Mayo Clinic, traditional treatment for jaundice isn't always necessary, and it might be just as helpful to reduce the yellow discoloration through natural home cures.