What Is Metabolic Bone Disease?
Malnutrition and vitamin deficiency causes most cases of metabolic bone disease. This is mostly evident when you have a lack of calcium in your diet.
Too much phosphorus in the diet turns calcium into calcium phosphate, an unusable form of calcium that leads to calcium deficiency.
Vitamin D3
This vitamin D behaves more like a hormone that facilitates in calcium absorption and maintains normal bone functions. Lacking this vitamin will lead to calcium deficiency.
Parathyroid Hormone
When there's a calcium deficiency, this hormone is secreted from the parathyroid glands to work harder at maintaining a calcium in the bones, at the expense of leaving the bones weak.
Skeletal Change
Metabolic bone disease will ultimately lead to bone deformations, including bowed legs, softness in the face, rubber-like jaws and unnatural swelling in your limbs.
Treating metabolic bone disease involves correcting your diet, which sometimes isn't very easy with people or animals. Mostly, corrective treatment involves patience.