Cesium Cure

Cesium cure is one of the most controversial treatments in the cancer community. Cesium, considered an alternative treatment for cancer, is the chemical cesium chloride. It is nature's most alkaline mineral and causes cancer cells to starve. Cesium also raises the pH of the cell to eight or higher, causing it to die and be eliminated within the body. (Cancer cells are known to have low pH levels.) The treatment is sometimes also called pH therapy.
  1. History of Cesium Treatment

    • Cesium chloride was discovered in the 1920s, but it was not really used to treat cancer until the 1980s.
      In 1984, Dr. Keith Brewer successfully treated 30 patients with various cancers, using cesium. Cesium can be given in pill form or intravenously. It is considered a supplement, so it does not have to be approved by the FDA.

    Side Effects of Cesium Cure

    • Cesium can cause numbness in the mouth and the tip of the nose and flu like symptoms. Reports indicate that the biggest problem with cesium is a detoxification reaction. If too many cancer cells die at once and the body cannot process them all, it can affect the liver. Symptoms of this happening include a headache, skin rash and nausea.
      The American Cancer Society reports cesium treatments have caused some patients to have life threatening heart rhythm problems, seizures, loss of consciousness and electrolyte imbalances.
      In animals, Cesium has caused serious blood and neuromuscular side effects and even death.

    Will It Work For You?

    • The one thing most doctors do agree on is that more research is needed for the treatment. Success rates are tricky for the cesium cure. Many people do not undergo this type of treatment until they have exhausted more traditional paths. This means cesium is often used in patients with advanced cancers who have already had their bodies damaged by other forms of treatment.
      Parts of the world with high levels of alkaline metals like cesium have low rates of cancer. People in Northern Pakistan have high levels of cesium and potassium in their water and they do not develop cancer unless they move away from home.
      In the last few years a few hospitals have started offering cesium 131 treatment, which uses cesium in a higher dose of powerful radiation in a much shorter time. This causes cancer cells to die more quickly and shortens the length of side effects from radiation. The FDA has approved this treatment for prostate cancer.
      In terms of cesium, the jury is still out; cesium may work for some and do nothing for others.

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