Gangrene Symptoms
Dry Gangrene
The symptoms of dry gangrene are localized redness, numbness and coldness. The skin of the affected part has a brown appearance in the center and then begins to turn black around the outside.
Moist Gangrene
In moist gangrene, the tissue is damp, soft, putrid, extremely painful and black. It is accompanied by oozing, swelling, a foul smell and, finally, a fever.
Gas Gangrene
Gas gangrene causes the tissue below the skin to be extremely painful and to ooze a brownish red or bloody discharge. When the area is pressed there is a distinct crackling sound, and the person has a high fever, rapid breathing and increased heart rate as the infection enters the bloodstream.
Complication Symptoms of Gangrene
Septicemia occurs when bacteria get in the blood and is one of the complication symptoms of gangrene. Its symptoms are sweating, shivering, chills, high fever, flushing, general aches, vomiting and abdominal pain.
Specific Gangrene
In noma gangrene the gums and lining of the cheeks swell and ulcers develop. The breath and skin have a foul odor caused by the foul-smelling drainage that comes from the ulcers on the cheek lining.