Child Leukemia Symptoms
Children with leukemia become anemic. Anemia may make a child feel weak, tired, dizzy or short of breath.
Leukemia produces abnormal white blood cells. These abnormal blood cells do not fight infections and leave the child prone to more infections than normal. Antibiotics may not help fight the infections.
Easy Bleeding or Bruising
A lack of blood platelets can cause a child to easily bleed or bruise. Children may have frequent nose bleeds or excessive bleeding from small cuts.
Loss of Appetite
Leukemia cells back up in the liver and spleen, causing them to swell. The swelling of the liver and spleen can push against the stomach, causing a loss of appetite.
Swollen Lymph Nodes
Leukemia that has spread to the lymph nodes can cause them to swell. This swelling can be visible to parents and doctors, especially the lymph nodes located in the neck and underarms.