Thrush Mouth Symptoms
Candida is one of the many organisms found naturally on the surfaces of the mouth, skin, and other areas. These organisms are normally kept in check by both the bodies own immune system and each other. However, if the body's immune system becomes weakened, or if the organisms that keep candida growth controlled are absent or not present in sufficient numbers, thrush (oral yeast infection) can occur.
Thrush is most commonly characterized by a series of creamy white lesions appearing in the mouth. They often appear on the tongue or cheeks, but may also be present on the gums and roof of the mouth.
More Symptoms
After forming, the lesions may become painful and begin to spread down the throat and onto the tonsils. They may even bleed. As the thrush infection progresses you may experience difficulty swallowing and a persistent uncomfortable feeling in the lower throat.
Candida Esophagitis
When thrush begins to spread down the back of the throat, it can spread even further, going into the esophagus. This can cause discomfort in the chest and a feeling of "food being caught in the lower throat". At this stage thrush is known as candida esophagitis, or yeast infection of the esophagus.
Oral thrush is usually treated with acidophilus capsules or by eating plain yogurt. These serve to reintroduce the healthy bacteria that keep the candida fungus controlled back into the mouth. If this is unsuccessful, your physician may choose to prescribe an anti-fungal medication.
If you are at risk for thrush, eating yogurt regularly or taking an acidophilus capsule may prevent candida from causing thrush. Further, practicing good oral hygiene and seeing your dentist regularly is also important. Eating too many sugary and yeast-containing foods can also encourage candida growth.