Side Effects of Vivotif

Vivotif is a vaccination used in the prevention of typhoid fever in children under six years old that are traveling to an area where the infection is common. The vaccine works by stimulating various parts of the body to produce antibodies that fight against typhoid fever. As with most vaccines, there are a number of side effects associated with its use.
  1. Common Side Effects

    • Some of the common side effects include diarrhea, fever, muscle pain, headache, nausea, severe stomach cramps and pain, and vomiting. While these are considered the most common side effects associated with the vaccine, they only affect a small number of users.

    Severe Side Effects

    • Unfortunately, there are also a number of severe side effects associated with using this medication. Some of these side effects include hives, difficulty breathing, rash, tightening of the chest, difficulty swallowing, unusual hoarseness of the voice, and swelling of the mouth, lips, and tongue. These side effects are also very rare and only affect a small number of users.

    Important Safety Information

    • Notify your doctor immediately if your child experiences vomiting, diarrhea, or flu-like symptoms after ingesting the vaccine as the medication may not have fully applied itself within your body. This vaccine aids in the prevention of typhoid fever, however it is not 100 percent effective in all patients. As a result, extreme caution must still be taken. It is recommended by doctors that patients receive another four doses of the vaccine over the following five years if they will continually be exposed to the disease.


    • Unlike most vaccines, Vivotif is administered in capsule form and should be taken with lukewarm water approximately one to two hours prior to a meal. Never take cracked or broken capsules as it may allow the extended-release capsule to administer too much of the medication at one time. Capsules should be taken every other day and are not meant to be taken every day. For the vaccine to be effective, you must complete four doses of the medication at least one week before your first exposure to the disease.


    • If you experience any of the aforementioned side effects, contact your doctor immediately for an adjusted treatment method.

      If an overdose is suspected, contact your local poison center immediately and head to the closest emergency room.

      Vivotif is meant as a typhoid vaccine only and should never be used for any other medical purpose unless specifically prescribed by your doctor.

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