Disease Burdens of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is an autoimmune disease that causes muscle pain, tenderness to the touch, fatigue and general malaise. It is often difficult to diagnose fibromyalgia, which frustrates sufferers and causes a delay in treatment.
  1. Pain

    • The National Fibromyalgia Association describes pain associated with the disease as "profound, chronic and widespread." Sufferers find that pain varies in intensity from day to day. The pain is not isolated to any particular part of the body, but it can occur anywhere on the patient.

      Several different kinds of pain are associated with fibromyalgia. The pain includes but is not limited to muscular pain, burning sensations, headaches and a sharp stabbing feeling.

      Pain is often aggravated by weather changes, cold temperatures, lack of or restless sleep, viruses and stress.

    Sleep Issues

    • FMSCommunity.org, a website for those who suffer from fibromyalgia, says that sleep studies confirm that fibromyalgia patients experience unsatisfying sleep accompanied by fatigue in the morning. Fibromyalgia sufferers commonly experience restless leg syndrome, which prevents them from getting needed sleep. They often suffer from other sleep disorders that prevent them from getting restorative sleep. Research has shown abnormalities in Stage 4 deep-sleep patterns of fibromyalgia patients because of constant bursts of brain activity, which disrupts sleep.


    • Fibromyalgia brings fatigue and deep exhaustion that can't be satisfied with sleep, although the associated sleep issues of the disease do not help. In fact, many patients say that no matter how much sleep they get it never seems to relieve fatigue. This fatigue can interfere with personal and professional activities, causing significant interference with the patient's life and making it difficult to complete everyday tasks.

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    • Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, causes abdominal cramping and pain, bloating gas, diarrhea and constipation. It is a very painful, chronic condition, but does not cause any actual damage to the affected area.

      The Fibromyalgia Network reports that IBS can be found in 40 percent to 70 percent of fibromyalgia sufferers.

    Impaired Memory and Concentration

    • The impaired memory and concentration suffered by patients is known as "fibrofog." It can be extremely debilitating, and many patients report the most frustrating aspect of the illness. Symptoms include confusion and forgetfulness, along with lack of ability to concentrate and recall words and numbers. Fibromyalgia patients have reported that they have significant difficulty retaining information if they are distracted when the information is given.

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