Stress & Yeast Infections

Stress can be caused by work, financial problems and the loss of a loved one. When stress becomes chronic it can spur certain reactions in the body that can cause yeast infections. These yeast infections often start in the colon and digestive tract.
  1. Weakened Immunity Level

    • Stress is known to cause immunity problems. This is because the amount of cortisol, a human hormone, increases during periods of unease and stress. Cortisol can temporarily give a boost to one's immunity in the short run. But over time it can increase blood pressure, suppress the thyroid, weaken immunity, throw blood sugar out of whack and spur an overgrowth of yeast in a person's system.

    Candida Albicans in the Colon

    • Candida albicans, a yeast-like fungus, lives naturally in the colon. Sometimes, stress can spur an overproduction of this fungus in the colon. People might have headaches, gastritis or feel fatigued once this happens. Some may become sensitive to chemicals or foods. As the fungus or yeast grows it overtakes the body's natural bacteria. Toxins are created as some of the yeast dies. The disturbance of the bacteria also can make the colon prone to parasitic invasion. The yeast causes inflammation in the mucus membranes of the colon walls, with can cause fecal impactions and block vital nutrients from reaching the cells. It can also cause yeast, toxins and parasites to enter the bloodstream and invade these cells and organs.

    Candida Albicans in the Digestive Tract

    • Stress can also disturb the candida albicans that lives along the delicate walls of the small intestines. Over time, it can penetrate the mucus membrane and actually perforate the intestinal walls. These causes undigested food, toxins and bad bacteria to enter the bloodstream. What the liver does not process floods back into the bloodstream and into cells.

    Candida Albicans on the Skin

    • Candida albicans also lives on a person's skin with good bacteria. Candida overgrowth in the small and large intestines sometimes causes a disturbance with candida albicans on the skin. This can lead to inflammation and rashes that can produce different types of yeast infections. These infections can affect surface areas of body, the mouth and even the genital area.

    Types of Yeast Infections

    • There are many types of yeast infections that can be caused by candida overgrowth, especially recurring ones. Some of these include mouth thrush, jock itch, ringworm, athlete's foot, intertrigo and vaginal and penile thrush. Some of these diseases, like ringworm and athlete's foot, are caused by other fungi, but candida albicans can cause the initial disturbance. Rashes and lesions are common with these infections. Discharges and starchy odors may occur with genital yeast infections.

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