Epilepsy Disease
Epilepsy is characterized by electrical impulses in the brain. Although some think that the seizure itself is the disease, the seizure is actually the manifestation of the impulses.
Types of Seizures
There are two general forms of seizures: primary generalized seizures and partial seizures.
Primary generalized seizures affect both sides of the brain.
Partial seizures affect only one part or portion of the brain at a time.
Types of Epilepsy
Epilepsy is grouped together by syndromes, or characteristics of the symptoms that occur together. Some syndromes may include several characteristics including the type of seizure and the pattern of when the seizures occur.
According to Epilepsy.com, the primary goal of treatment is to "stop seizures or control them as best as possible." While this goal may not be attainable for every patient, there are several courses of treatment. Medication is often the most common treatment, however, surgery has been effectively used for several decades.
For a better understanding of epilepsy, consider joining an online forum, or subscribing to the Epilepsy Advocate Magazine. Having support is helpful because it provides a better understanding of the complexities of the illness. Types include groups for children, groups for adults, groups for parents of children, and online forums.